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Fox Lane Ski Club Rating System



While skiing or snowboarding, all members must wear the Club armband visibly on their arm. The armbands indicate membership in the Club and the skier’s ability.

RESTRICTED: Red Arm Band - Skiing/Snowboarding is restricted to trails marked with a Green Circle or a Blue Square. Restricted members found on Black Diamond slopes or Terrain Parks will be expelled from the Club.

UNRESTRICTED: Green Arm Band - Skiers/Snowboarders may use all trails & Terrain Parks except those deemed unsafe by the Trip Captain or Ski Patrol.

All new Club members are Restricted until they pass a Club-Administered test on an Expert Trail.

Note: Members will be charged $10 for lost armbands.

The Fox Lane Ski Club strongly recommends lessons from professional instructors at the mountain.  Families can arrange their own private lessons, as long as it doesn't interfere with lunch check in (see rules). Group lessons are subsidized by the club and are available for only $25 per trip.  If a member is registered for a lesson, they must take the lesson. Members that fail to check in for a lesson will be charged $40, in addition to the $25 original cost. 
Lessons are NOT available at Bellearye or Mt. Snow

Tests are typically offered at 1:30 pm (trail/timing details firmed up during lunch check in). Upon testing chaperones agreeing that a member has met our proficiency standard, the member and family will receive an email with a waiver to sign and return via email. The member will remain RESTRICTED until the completed form is signed by the parent and returned.

Please be advised that the ability test is only a general assessment of a member’s skiing/boarding ability and is in no way meant to suggest that a particular skier/boarder is capable of safely skiing/ boarding any or all expert trails

The decision as to whether the status of a skier/boarder who passes the ability test should be changed to UNRESTRICTED” is the sole discretion of the member’s parent or guardian. Members who have passed the test in previous years must have a signed release form on file with the Club. Once the form is signed and returned, it will be kept on permanent file with the Club.

Call or Text: 772-AND-SNOW (772-263-7669)
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