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Ski Tips

How to Pass the Test

Instructional Videos

Members should TAKE LESSONS!
FLSC subsidizes the price of lessons in effort to encourage all level skiers/boarders to continue to improve with professional instruction. 

Members need to demonstrate they can descend an expert trail under control with linked and balanced turns, plus the ability to stop under their command. (Downhill of any bystanders.)

Skiers need to know how to USE THEIR POLES
Straps should be on. Hands should be held in front/pointing downhill. (Holding a lunch tray is a useful reference.) Again, take lessons/watch some videos on use of poles as a turning, balance and propulsion aid.

It’s critical that body weight (shoulders, hips and hands) is kept square to the fall line and pushing forward. When weight twists or shifts back skiers/boarders quickly can get out control.

If it is questionable that a member may not be able to stay in control on Black/expert terrain, they will not pass.

Please help your student be safe on the slopes. Take lessons, watch technique videos and get comfortable on easy trails before moving on to more challenging areas on the mountain.

There are many good instructional videos on YouTube. We encourage members to watch instructional/refresher videos pre & during the Season.

Check out techniques for using poles, linked turns, being in control and more.

Call or Text: 772-AND-SNOW (772-263-7669)
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